Tuesday, January 30, 2007


OOooops...was aiming for a friendship tribute a while ago and decided it would be more suitable for next week...like a Valentine take for ol' pals.... Incidentally, Mok, if you get to see this..Feb 16 my house - pot luck...I'll do the pasta...I'll text you..and no..don't bother to call...my phone will just ring to kingdom end coz' I'm often out...catch me in the evening round' 9...or 10..even better...

The China wind chill is still here..the afternoon is a haze...just like this pic here...the neighbor's pitbull is making a ruckus and Bushy..well..he's asleep nearby...I need coffee...

Ahhh....caffeine fix.....ye'

A night ago I was taken to the hospital for 3rd level dog bites. That's right..dog bites. My lil' pooch here sank his canine fangs on me' left hand..It was an accident I know...provoked I guess by me...Somehow it slipped my mind that I was grooming a dog and not a five year old kid who will do as I say..So I tugged at his fur and when the comb wouldn't let I continued tugging till the pooch yelped and snarled and grabbed....

I was shocked..like asking me'self.."is this blood?..is this a puncture wound?...a real scratch??"..The pooch after realizing what he'd done hid under a table... and as I called on him with me' bleeding hand he scampered nervous up the stairs and hid....How could he do this to me?..I asked myself...

I tried to project calm..but am really no good with blood so told my son to text his dad...When he saw my wound he went "oh' me' gawd...we gotta' head for the doc....." I didn't want a fuss...he's a clean dog I told him..not rabid..not some scoundrel....he's got shots.....let's just go see a movie....He still insisted that we got to a clinic..I wanted my mind to relax.....so movie house we went to first and watched Night at the Museum...

While there I had visions of me foaming in the mouth...I remembered the friend of my friend who died a week after being bitten by their family dog.....My heart started racing and I sank into quiet desolation....What if I suddenly started snarling myself?....Gosh...Like ..I know I'd have to go somehow..but to growl and sputter and drool on me' way to the afterlife would be...geeez'...soooo...un- Luxie!!

After the movie me worried Hubzy headed straight to the ER of the Medical City.....nifty hospital I should say...The resident doc took time explaining just what happens to dog bites and how important it was that I get two tetanus shots plus a whole barrage of other shots....gaaawsh..I can't even begin to explain how painful the medicine felt as it pricked inside me....So that's what happens when you get bitten by a dog...shots..shots..shots..all around the wound..on the buff ( both) and on the arms ( both)..plus 5 more shots thereafter each after 7 succeeding days....

I'm still drifting in unbelief..somehow...A dog....I guess..no matter how small..or cute is still an animal..and should be treated with caution and respect..If you have kids with you..and you've got a pet..be wary..teach them to never go overboard with confidence...and to deal with that member of the family oh' so gently.....

( ps: this one is a message for me...Hey me!.yah' ..YOU..zee' one writing Luxie here..You know You gotta' finish the material..you know..THE material you've been shelving for hours now....open it up and type giiirl..type..type..type...and finiiish it!!!..You know it's needed by THURSDAY!!!!..and then there's the OTHER material for MOOONDAY..and you haven't even started yet..oh' yeah?..well..two pages isn't starting..yO'...ye'..ye'....excuzees'..excuzes'..so it's noT a darn NOvel..NoT a love stowwy..oh gawd..rolling eyes...it's a drab grammar work book..and it even needs an answer keeey....oh' WAKe Up from zee dramatics and just get started...yah'.craaaam!..sigh!!)


Unknown said...

Oh thats bad!! Make sure you get all the shots.

X. Dell said...

I don't get it. If Bushy has had his shots, why did you have to take them yourself?

The rabies shots are the most painful ones I can think of. Perhaps you might think of investing in a muzzle the next time you want to comb the dog's hair.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

I'm so glad you are ok...and that Bushy was up-to-date. When I got bit (by the chipmunk) I was current on my Tetanus shot- so I just got anti-biodics.
Of course a little bitty chipmunky is no match for a dog bite!

Hugs and love friend- wish I could make some "black and tans" (choc. chip and p-butter cookies) for you! I send my best...be well and take care :)

..................... said...

actually a muzzle is not a bad idea although my dog probably would have a
hard time wearing one.