Crumbs off my table...
Funny, I actually miss my hubby and wish he where here right now so I could tell him everything we talked about... My eldest son isn't home yet too...He went to the university to pick up his grades...hmmmm...I'm expecting him anytime soon.
I missed doing yoga...I must not tomorrow..that's one commitment I gave myself..that and doing our visual board of things desired most...
You see, me' hubz and I went out last weekend and talked about plans...this year...and the next...It's my task to cut out pictures of places and stuff we want to acquire then pin it up on a virtual visual board...
Snooks...I have yet to start...
I need to wipe the crumbs off my table...
Till tomorrow then..take care...
adorable! Give the dog a kiss for me.ox
this too was supposed to be a by myself day...a day to really get things done that i've been putting off.
instead a friend unexpectatly dropped by and spent the whole afternoon...
i figured she was more important.
so, i'll work into the night...
or blog..
choices, choices
Let's see....roasted chicken, boogie woogie, and crumbs. Lux, your joint is jumpin'.
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