Monday, April 16, 2007

One Way..which way?!

"duh' way which way??!"

About two in the morning I think..uhuh'...That's about the time I was able to snooze off...and if it weren't for the pesky mosquitoes I would have been happy enough to just laze away the night in me' terrace..talking to dippers and saluting whizzing stars...But off to me' bed I went after signing out ov' me' last post...

I believe I was able to at least have five hours of shut eye...not bad I guess....will probably have a better sleep'...I know I have much to do this week..and the next probably...I still feel uptight and the pic above sooo just describes my being right now...Decisions..decisions...decisions...this

Ah' but I haven't been doing me' meditative rituals religiously...maybe I should in a while...I think this is some sort of a relax ritual for me anyway...this flicking me' fingers I just need my hands to slink on through this has a life of its own...uhuh'...

I would love to go visit...but want to just hug me knees in one corner and be by me'self the same time..see?..can you see me in that corner behind you?....oooh'can any ov' you squeeze through my monitor...even a hand will do.....I've got the last of the vanilla ice beside me...I'll more cones I'm afraid..devoured that yesterday...

oh'..and I would love to write me' post on the nominees I have in mind for the "Thinking Blogger"..I will..I will..tomorrow...Right now..I'm living true to my nomination..dwaats'' thinking deep about..sigh....about'...I have to read the signs..signs..signs....around nu nu..what to do....what to do....what to do...

PS: I will answer the questions you posted Mr. X:DELL..haven't forgotten...oh' and the cat is a stray...


Flea said...

I hope by now you've got some sleep in, myself had a few bad nights and sore backs, last night was a better night for me, but then I got up at 5:30am and ended up feeling tired during the day.
Thinking of you.

Bardouble29 said...

I wish all of us could reach out to our bloggers. I have "met" so many here that I like so much.

I would love to share that vanilla ice cream with you.

I truly hope that you are able to find that inner peace and tranquility that helps you make these impending decisions.

You will be in my thoughts...

darkfoam said...

trying to poke my hand through a monitor hurts. best not try that one anymore. and just when i was trying to
"reach out and touch somebody".

X. Dell said...

Knowing which direction to go makes up the most difficult task that people face all of their lives, I'm afraid. Signs are always confusing.

Anonymous said...

thinking of you.

Helene said...

sleep and reflection... that and perhaps a glass of great red wine and some girlfriend chat... thats what the doctor orders! =]