Ahooy there!..aaaahoooy there!!!..Luxie dahling' here peeking from the land of green templates and looming deadlines! I know me' saids the 10th...the 10th..on or before..Weeell..it is the before...but I know I shouldn't be here yet because just now I have to be swimming back to meatspace existence...buuuut...me' do needz' a bweak'...sooo..here I am just sitting here with my cup of steaming Folgers...
I made a few hefty realizations..I remember grand well how I wrote a way down here that I am the greatest student of me...and ye'... learned I did..and learn I do.
You see, I have this gig' where i talk about the "pwooocess ov' communication"..You' know..something that goes around how one thing you say can lead up to a whole planet of misconceptions and also..how important it is to have a healthy self image coz' it tranzlates to how you relate interpersonally yadda' yadda doo'....
Wep'...as I was going through all these meetings and presentings and forming diz and that I kinda' had a whooping ding-a-ling realization....Oooh' deeear..this lesson iz' for meeeh!!..yeehah! ye'...
Like I had to take in a few things that me' fwend "change" is wanting me to face...
I..Luxie...have grown up..yep'...
And must wear grown up clothes for starters...yep'...
Must wean out jeans and Bugz' Bunny shirts and bootz'....oh' and pucca shells dangling round' me' neck...snooks... and invest in a litle bit ov' razzle dazzle grey, black and brown skirts with matching sleek collared blouses topped with smart um' conservative( eeeeks') blazers...ye'...
Me' gotta' shop for closed pumps with high heels too....and bags that aren't back packs or...fur lined...
Me' also realized that I can be a tad too shy!!!!...My goooodnesss...I can't have shy following me around....I gotta' say bye bye to shy and just take in that I asked for this and now it'z here and this is it.
Time is mine.
right now, i'd be up shit creek as far as clothes are concerned if i had to made that type of presentation.
i gotten better at speaking in front of a crowd, not much but better..
anything that makes me appear noticed makes me want to put a paperbag over my head. can't help myself.
as you give your presentation just imagine all these folkses in their undies... that's what i do...
and, boy, i tell you, i have an active imagination....
you'll look great, sleep and sophisticated in those power outfits, lux.
you'll ooze such confidence they'll start doubting their own confidence. yup, you can do this.
..and i can make brownies for this upcoming camping trip ... yikes, we're leaving tomorrow....
so, how do you like your brownies?
i make mine with 3 different types of chocolate. sweet, semisweet, and bitter chocolate...
best start baking..
xoxo, smooch, :)
do you have anymore coffee? i could use a cup.
i meant 'sleek' not sleep, tsk..
see, i really could use that coffee.
the smell of brownies emanates through my house..
care to have one!
funny that you called yourself shy! I dont find you that at all, but this is virtual, isnt it...
I love your home. It doesnt surprise me in the least that its so colorful! Just like you! Its prefect!
cheers gf!
Hey, nice you’re back...and great post, I think I so know what you mean, although it’s really a challenge read your text, it takes about 3 times before I get any idea. But you are amazing, that much I understand easily.
Luxie, I missed you so!
I am so glad you peeked in here for a break.
Change is always hard. But can also make us grow.
For me I can be pretty shy, but I also love public speaking. So I guess I am a little strange.
Shy? You? I thought being a teacher before, that would never happen to you Lux..And talking about boots; I was close to buying a pair some time ago in a distant land coz everybody was wearing them and they look so classy at that time! I'm glad I didn't buy it coz nobody wears it on the street here in Malaysia! People wears flip flops..
Coming by to say hello...and oh, no grown up clothes...you're going to bring out that sophistication girl!
me dowan to grow up, me loves me mickey t-shirt! :)
and me love your bright colourful house! yummy yummy!
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