Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Zombierockin' after the dancin' LAter....

( LAter...still dancing..... alone....

".......and if i buuuuiiilt this fooortress...'round youwr' heeart...'crcled you wid trncz'and barbd wirz''...yaaahhhh......twirling twirlin")

Soooooooo my later turned out to be the next day rIgHT NoW.......
which is a quiet cool faucet dripping day of a WeDnesdaY.....Clothing chaos and breakfast havoc just a while ago..

snOooooksie siiigh...

I absolutely abhooor rushed mornings!..

This has gotta' stooop!!!...blooody AaaAarghhhh...

I desperately want to move out of this current home. It is way too far from everywhere we need to go to everyday...

"Sorry sweet homie'...don't wanna' hurt your feelings.....you know how I feel for you...I've always been honest...I've always given my all to you..every single ounce of my presence is splattered within your corners....don't cry luv' home...I'll miss you...but we were never meant to be...just be happy that we made such sweet memories together....siiiiigh..."

My kids said I captured a ghost!!!....

Snipped shot Bushy dearie' there then when I uploaded I had that phantomish shadow behind him...
I say that's the spirit of my homey a wee' bit sad because it knows we're leaving soon...Even Bushy' seemed to be possessively huggin' his favorite spot on the stairs....

needz' to calm down...
calm down..
I have stuff to do today.....time is slippin'...6:27 am now...
will have a cup of coffee then start my day...

MyLove to all....



A Suicide Blonde said...

This is one of my favorite songs in the world!
I simply love it :)
And Sacred Love...there's anther one I love!
Sting ROCKS!
so do you :)
Sent you a note...miss being here and at my place...
Things will change again- a new season will come. Right now it's as hectic as Christmas time!
Hugs :)

Mayden' s Voyage said...

I wonder why I came up as Mayden...and not Mayden's Voyage???

Hmmm :)

Bardouble29 said...

Hi beautiful lady! LOVE that picture of you.

Great song!

darkfoam said...

somehow i sense this freedom and lightness of being in you...

Unknown said...

I am keeping my big mouth shut - u know why ;)

exskindiver said...

great song!

Lady Prism said...

Mayden: Ey'..I wonder too...checked it out and "mayden" there led to a profile that doesn't exist..hm'.....haunted links I say..hee! hee!..Glad to have you here..And yes...Sting is the best...I'm a bit infatuated with him I should say..hee! hee!

BArdouble: hee! hee! hee!..took out zee pic of me and now I have this..hm'..could that be me as well on the wall?....hmmmmmmm....

Foam: Lightheaded headache right now....but..yeah..am' twirpy happy..if only a wee' bit sweepy still...


Eskindiver...ello'..yeeeah!!..I luv' it!!

darkfoam said...

good evening here..
good morning there..
moving sucks! it's hectic and stressful, but if it will take you closer to where you need to be it will be a good move. and you'll make memory ghosts there.
i think that's your ghostly imprint that you'll be leaving behind in that house..:)
or perhaps just the flash of the camera?..
i have my planet questions answered ,btw.

X. Dell said...

A ghost. So that's why you have zombie music on. Of course, if there were a ghost behind Bushy, he would have barked at it.

Slow mornings are good when you can get them.

Lady Prism said...

Foam and X: Me' wants to think that's a sad little sweet lady phantom hearing me talk about leaving for a new home....then of course that wall faces a window with light streaming in and glares caused the face lookin' image..but it's more romantic to think of it as a ghost..hee! hee!..Oh'..and it's friend of Bushy so he doesn't bark at it..keeps him company when were out..sort ov' like a mom to him...

am' hungry..

Guatyen said...

bushy has a friendly ghost? hehe...
what's bushy calling her?