The Oatmeal Post
Yes...there was an oatmeal rant here taken out by ( as Foam would say..) moi'..because apparently I am not my "usual "self.
My usual self took a hike and I have no idea when it intends to return.
This is NOT being sad or gloomy or morose...
This is...this is....accepting that this malady of a part of me.
So..I'll just accompany what is left of myself while the usual me is away..(?)...
My usual self took a hike and I have no idea when it intends to return.
This is NOT being sad or gloomy or morose...
This is...this is....accepting that this malady of a part of me.
So..I'll just accompany what is left of myself while the usual me is away..(?)...
Meanwhile. may your weekend be awashed ( apparently spell check does not agree that this is a word..but...soooo what huh??!!..oooops...sorry..)... with gentleness and sweet croonings ( another none word grrrr..) and splendor and clouds of silver lining.
May gold bullions fall from the sky....
May gold bullions fall from the sky....
If you do come across my usual self..please tell her I forgive her...and to go back home...
what if your usual self is having the time of her life? i wouldn't wanna be a spoil sport...unless your having a better party.
oh... but i did get to read that post! just few minutes ago. hahaha! oatmeal? ermm... oatmeal?
ha ha ha..loved this picture--and simply LOVED the music you are playing.
You too have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend dear!
the picture didnt load for some reason...
I havent seen my usual self in way too long. I think perhaps your usual self and my usual self are out somewhere wooping it up together!!(that is a fun mental picture=])
I caution you not let her get away with running away... embracing it for a little is ok, but I am finding that I am getting resolved to being like this and I dont really care for it. I feel apathetic these days. Its strange for me.
Happy weekend Luxie!!
No body want to spoild your fun luxie.
But if I happen to see her on my way, I will tell her that she is a sweet peach. LOL
Yes, love your music, Luxie! Have a great weekend. If I catch and gold bullion, I'll send a cut your way, okay?
Happy Weekend!
I saw her ... she was flying up high, on the wings of a bird, trying to pierce through a thick, gloomy sky. She can't hear anyone though, she just up there, doin' her think. Don't worry, they always come home when they're hungry.
Thanx for the award. You're the sweetest. It's in my sidebar. Love the new look. And the serenade.
clarify: "...doing her thing..."
Hey Luxie! Sweet Thang, yore usual self is on holiday?
Jes' gatherin' stamina fer the next round...hanf in there.
HAve a fine weekend.
here kitty kitty kitty... :)
*hugs* hope you're feelin good!
Oh, this is nice. Former self. I've been there. I'm sorry I've been such a stranger.
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