Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Toxins Away'

Nyaaah'..Enough of the googly eyed cat and more of me ( but of coooourse :)...taken last Friday night at Murphy's Irish Pub when me' Hubbzy' and I decided to beat the strain and indulge in a late night dinner and couple of drinks. It was filled up with a fun - albeit a bit subdued cosmopolitan crowd huddled over their drinks watching a football game on the wide screen...None of the sense of gloom. Peace was somehow in the mood to rock so we basically had a fine time talking and munching on a hefty plateful of BLT and nachos....

I still feel sad thinking of those who have lost their lives. The latest news is that the terrorist angle is being swept under a finer tune of the blast being an accident bound to happen due to the negligence of some contractor in charge of chemical stuff stored in the basement under the mall...

it was not a bombing people ..stop referring to it as a bombing....it was an explosion...some spokesperson of whatever agency implored on the radio this morning.)

My reaction to this this is a dumbfounded "huh?"..considering the sprouting of terrorist wanna bee' out of this world groups all claiming to have "done" it...Almost hilarious to think ov'.....but there is no corner for laughter because at the end of it all I believe someone must be held gravely gravely accountable.

And I believe what you all said..That in spite of Evil visiting in any form or disguise..love is still more potent.

I am banking on that because even in our own personal lives we ( my family) are faced with something difficult we have to hurdle. Oh' it is so easy to slap back hate with hate and double the injury..I am capable of that...My hubz is too...But we choose to rise above the mediocrity of negativity and take on the higher plane of responsibility.... to be a center of strength and direction in whatever way possible...

Truth is...this world is a collective mass of hurt...and sadness...but those who have peace within themselves serve as a fresh supplement of healthy blood cells...an anti body within an ailing earth...


flushing out its anger toxins away....

ps: As to the post yesterday I would like to assure you that no animal was injured by um' meeh' for the sake of photographic artistry he! he!..That pussy doo' bloodied up herself when she figured in a brawl with a "he" cat right in my front yard.

After their "romantic bondage scenario" that she cat crept up into the window sill of my living room...probably attracted by the smell of crispy fried fish which I selfishly dangled in front of her so I could snap my camera...

She gloried on the bones afterwards...



..................... said...

i came by earlier but was way to tired to comment. lousy night of sleep over here. i love this post and will be back to reread and comment again ... hopefully.

Lydia said...

Hello Luxie, I fully agree with you. There is way too much hate in this world. It's so rewarding and beneficial for those who can resist the temptation to deliver hate back to those who send it their way first. We're all human and have an immediate compulsion to retaliate, when others hurt and hate us. If we could step back for a minute and see that it's harder for hate to spread when love and peace start taking over. When someone hates me, Even though at times this is quite difficult, I try my best to use my understanding and love over hate and anger towards the person hating me. If I can't win that way, I will remove myself from the situation completely, even if the other person or people can't.
could I place your blog on my link list? You have a very interesting blog.

Lady Prism said...

Foam: Do rest..it's been a quite a day for you...with 800 kids..goodness!..Fun but tiring...take care.

Lydia: Hello! It's a pleasure to have you link back to me. The compulsion to retaliate can be so strong...but of course..it is true..stepping back clears the mind and heart to who you really are.

darkfoam said...

not 800 in one day! 800 in a week. ;)

Amber Cargile said...

I definitely believe love prevails. And I do agree that it's important to try to approach our relationships with an open heart and ego aside as much as possible. On the other hand, I also think people treat you the way you let them treat you. Sometimes you unfortunately have to draw lines. Ultimately you have to love yourself, too. By the way, you are cute as can be!

X. Dell said...

You had to put that song on your site. If you only knew.

Interesting report on the bomb...I mean, explosion. Excuse me while I put on a different hat.

Lady Prism said...

Amber: I like that reminder. I needed to hear that. People do treat you the way you ask them too....thinking...thinking...

X:DELL: If only knew...hmmm..which song I woder and why?..Must hold a few memories?...

Rose - Watching Waves said...

So it was an explosion and not a bombing? Tragic either way, but one is motivated by hate and I'd prefer it this was a very horrible accident rather than human beings deliberately hurting others. We need to send more Love energy into the Universe. It's filling up to easily with hate energy and discrimination energy and all other sorts of negative energies. Love, love, love, love ... fill up the very air!
Ditto to what Amber said: you're a doll!