My Perky Tuesday
In contrast to yesterday's lazing Luxie'...I managed to wake up pretty early today...Yep'...early enough to accomplish everything "major" that needed to be tidied in my homey. Okay, so I didn't manage 4:30 but 5 am isn't so bad....and admittedly I didn't really kneel in mindful prayer or sit in one corner meditating ( like I said I would two posts down) ...more like I swooped into the kitchen to prep breakfast then swooned on helping my youngest kiddo' look for a missing calculator ( I hope it wasn't the scientific one...grrrr...)....
Thereafter I went head on out into my eeny' yard and started sweeping the fallen leaves...( to the tuneof my fave Bossa Nova playing perkily of course...) then watered the needy plants and promised them that I would be back late in the afternoon to re pot.
I'm sorry Honey...if ever by chance you're reading this...the flowery blooms you excitedly brought home for me have all but said adieu....From now on I only stick with tropical plants that don't fret and die from sorrow just because I miss one ( okay two..okay maybe three...five?) daily dose of watering. That red flowey' and I....we weren't meant to me. I'm moving on. Oh' I'm sooo proud of me..mwah! mwah! Imagine not yet lunch time and I'm almost...almost done!..Now all I have to do is sort this pile ( mountain..think Everest..) of papers so excitedly scattered around this office table. I read somewhere that it isn't really healthy to put your working stuff inside your having an office table and computers and such' choice...this bedroom is big...the biggest we've had and the extra space is enough for working...I would like a divider though...perhaps a teak wooden divider noh?
Anyway, I am just relaxing here for a moment before I take a cool shower then work on this pile...then afterwards have a short lunch, I mean quick lunch...then work on my materials.
I miss week I will start on it again. I have yet to frame the ones I've done. I have no illusions of masterful grandeur in my so called doodle art...but to see something I've done actually hanging on my wall is such such such a hippity' happy feeling for me. Siiiiiigh'...
Ah' today..later..I will plan my menu for the entire week. Am' tired of the usual fare I have been dishing out....time to...ummm'..innovate...or be more creative...
Welp'....gotta' go..thank you lovelies for leaving comments and coming by to visit..I wish I could reach out inside this monitor and give you all a glass of lemonade or iced tea or green mango shake. Then again...why not? everyone..enjoy ( handing over cyber tray with cookies and drinks..) :>
Photo: Hanging Lamp from Bag of Beans
Collage - Snippets of Luxie doo's homey
Love your collage of your things :)
Have a lovely week!
5am??? errrr...;p
tho' we lead 2 separate lives...the serenity ard ur home & family is kinda addictive! hehehe...hv a lurvly week girl ;p
Hot from the oven::perky Hillary Miranda
Love to you friend...
How I so utterly wish I was there with you :)
I send Hugs- big hugs :)
it's time to relax...
it's been ever so much such a topsy turvy up and down kind of tuesday..
i'm glad it's over
i love the collage of your home, btw .. :)
I'd love a green mango shake, thank you! And you can come over here and skim my pool when you have a free moment...I promise I'll play some bossa... :-)
Oy! i have the same tea light candle holder, and in a row of three too! only mine are in clear glass instead of blue. ikea? hehe! lovely luxie homey collage!
well, i'm almost done with me house work, almost! i'm off to me marmie's home tomorrow for our lunar new year holidays! wheee! you have a great week!
So cheery, dearie! Your happiness is just burbling all over this post. Rising early must suit you!
So cheery, dearie! Your happiness is just burbling all over this post. Rising early must suit you!
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