From My Island to Yours
Life is cool I wrote that...then moments later was doused with the most horrendous news ever. Overwhelmingly bitter...that is the only phrase I can come up with to describe everything. We know of the terrible reality of war...and it is all around us...the killings, the blood spillage, the death that comes in hundreds...We all face that everyday...
But war is not a stranger...not in this generation...nor in generations past...
War in one corner or another is this worlds aching companion.
This however..yes but one of the gravest..... most chilling massacre our world has come to view. In the most idyllic, picturesque setting of a secure haven of a country that sings itself the "land of the free and the home of the brave..."this has happened...How could this happen?...Why?...
And then there will be the ringing of healing and peace...
There is no healing and this any point..until each person looks within himself and finds it within...And in this finding of himself....extending a living peace towards another.....for we are not merely individuals unique to ourselves but a part of the breathing whole that connects this world to exist....without you there will be no me....
This tragedy that has befallen the people of the United States isn't just an American experience...Its sadness, and pain and sorrow is the worlds as well...Its questionings are ours..."What is happening to the children!?"..."Where is all this hatred and anger of the world's children coming from?!"....
And I fear..yes...I fear that just as the sulfuric convulsions of a lake that surrounds an infernal volcano blows bubbles to its surface...there this..... lurks beneath something deeply more tragic....
Our hearts bleed...for everyone...and most tenderly for those at Virginia Tech...
In grief therefore..and as a silent protest to all the violence that permeates this planet...I put off my jazzy' tune..and bear a meditative silence until next week....
We may just be a little island...and me of even further insignificance...but know that I....we... share the pain of all people.....And we, in my country, in all our different churches and groups and gatherings invoke prayers to the one God who made this world and all of us who dwell in it.
....May peace be with you throughout the remainder of the week.....
Hug someone today.
With love...Luxie and family along with Bushy..
no music? i've been listening to a lot of music this week. it soothes the soul and makes me feel better in times of sorrow. and i do want to feel better. i've been feeling oddly empty since this happened.....almost a sense of denial, although I cannot escape the news on the TV or on the radio.
Well, if we are at war, we better find out who the real enemy really is. I doubt that we'll find her in Philadelphia.
the real enemy?
complacency. plain and simple.
hey lux! ... hows it?
Luxie, hey Baby!
I'se jes' strollin' by ter say "Hidy Do!"
These lives seem so pre-empted, an' those of us left to untangle the "why" is fightin' emotions of anger, despair, confusion...but we can put our hope in a God who holds them close now--this idea is real tough fer some of us, Aunty knows that...but if we can think of an eternity that is mega vast compared to our world, if we can imagine that a little bitty chile' is confused and hurt when mama takes them ter git a shot --
That chile doan KNOW that the shot will keep them healthy as an adult-they only know pain and betrayal (I loved you and you let something hurt me). Aunty tries to trust God has the eternal view and those kids is safe now--from ever'thang.
How's yore family, Puddin'?
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