Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Blue Beauty Beginnings

"La Inocencia"

- by: Philippine National Artist R. Hidalgo

This Luxie bloggy' homey is under blue fashion construction.

Please bear with me as I slowly but surely change font colors and designs and...uuuuu.....just about everything!

This is going to be fuuun!

I have yet to respond to the comments below but do trust thatI will.

Right now it's a very wet wet wet monsoon and windy and just snuggly.....

The radio man says there's even another storm brewing up.

Just as well. We folks here have been experiencing such an unusual (and uncomfortable) lengthy relationship with summer...strange..strange...

Now, goin' back to this bloggy'....

I am soooo excited....

The changes here reflect the transformation inside the inner world of me. A sort of wondrous tropical soulful discovery...

Oh' it's not going to be easy...

And yes, I suppose I might have to ask a tech pro to help me a bit with the other posts. I can't seem to manage the tweaking on my own. All in due time. This is a new beginning.

I have to go.... but before I do let me say that...

At this moment I pray that you have a sweet charming day.
May a pleasant surprise......well...surprise you...

Oh' look out your window!!!

Isn't your world just soooo pretty?...

Be it rain or shine...

and just to whisper.....

"The more you are thankful for what you have,
the more you have to be thankful for."

- Zig Ziglar


darkfoam said...

wow, luxie...
beautiful site!
and i hadn't even read your new post.
it's been a late night. g'night..
i'll read up tomorrow.

Guatyen said...

heyyyyy.... redecorating bloggy home? niceee... :)
did mine months back, reason was to change the "chi" or energy of me bloggy home and to feng shui a little! hehehe! always good to change for fresher look! :)
i like to change me banner, will change when i feel like it... but right now i still like me clouds! :)

ThursdayNext said...

I love the blue, Luxie! Dont change this shade...its dreamy.

Bardouble29 said...

My luxie-doo, I miss getting to come visit you everyday! Life is just not allowing it to be so right now, but I wanted you to know that you and many others are on my mind....

exskindiver said...

hi luxie,
nice new site.
i am sad though that we are no longer twins.
i was just reading about how the color blue is
what web designers recommend for sites.
have you heard that?


Lady Prism said...

Foamy: I hope you've had a peaceful sleep. Thank you.

Alison: I so need to change the chi of my meatspace home..Since that would take a greater amount of doing I needed I started here!

Thursday: Oh' yes it sure is. I won't change it. Nice to see you.

Bardouble: Yes..I understand. I've been reading up your site and it seems you've been doing quite a lot. Do take a moment to breath. Nice to see you here.

Exskindiver: Really?...I like the blue because it highlights the pics. And'..hee! hee!....yeah'...n longer template twins..Will hie off to your site soon as I fix up some things here at home..