Sunday, August 05, 2007

Spa Sputterinz'

"You will soon break the bow if you keep it always stretched."
- Phaedrus

Sputterin' Spa... case you're wondering....just in case...really....coz' when I wrote the last post I myself was wondering if I could keep up with my own.....hmmmm'.....itinerary for relaxin'...

Ahhh'..sheez'..didn't account for the rain so early on in the morning...One look at the pouring skies and grinning me slumbered back beneath the sheets....What an excuse!!..Can't go walking under the rain eh? matter how bonsai cute the twitter mini park may be...N'ways..a bit more shut eye helps multiply the cells or something like that I thought.

Come almost nine zee' Hubz and I finally get on up and we hied off to the Supermarket....Didn't account for that either..Slipped my mind that Saturday mornings are ritualized as Supermarket days..Hubz and I usually do it together...The kids almost always opt to stay behind...Spent more time out than usual so we got home past twelve...I prepped a hasty lunch...

In between six pm and seven I did a motley of things that had nothing whatsoever to do with spa sputtering...Took a shower of course...Stared at the pack of Vitress Revive 20 minute hair spa...placed it back where I got it sayin'..."naaaaaa'.....I need my coffee..gotta' rush...don't want to have to go back here washing off my hair"...

In short.....I did relax....just not the planned relax way....

I'm cool....

Funny thing is...


I think my open pores have closed....

PS: Oh' yes....There are a lot of safe and professional....

( legitimate no hanky panky...though I've heard there are those that offer..ahem'..I don't think I'm going into that...)

Dial - A - Massage services here...They come complete with everything needed...Some even offer to create a bit of an ambiance in your room if wanted...aromatherapy oil for's really nice...The one that always services me also offers to turn gardens into bird sanctuaries...


X. Dell said...

(1) If you can relax by supermarket shopping, more power to you.

(2) Dial-a-message services make bird sanctuaries? As far as I know, they only give messages here.

(3) I never understood what was so important about having open pores. What happens to you if your pores close?

Lady Prism said...

X:DELL: hee!..hee!..hee!

Amber Cargile said...

Hello again Lady Luxie. Thank you for visiting my blog, Blue Mango! I am thrilled to have "met" you. I hope you'll be a regular and I will link to this blog on my site. I think we have a lot in common! Love your music selections!

Lady Prism said...

Amber: Oh' I luuuv your blog!! Thanks for dropping by! I'll be visiting often as well :>

Guatyen said...

i'd have that extra snooze too when it's all cold and rainny. wow! bird sanctuary? do they have bird spa? hehe!

Unknown said...

Good that your kids prefer other things to going to the supermarket.

Rain the old culprit in plan ruining.

As long as you got to relax...

Sue said...

LOL. All the best plans go awry! I've taken to ordering my supermarket shopping on-line and getting it delivered - it certainly is a stress-free way of shopping!

darkfoam said...
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darkfoam said...

lez try this comment stuff again....

i still can't get over dial a massage services.

who knows, for all i know bigger cities offer those services here too.

i wouldn't know though since i've turned into a country bumpkin.

sleeping in closed those pores, honey..

butterflygirl said...

Nothing ever goes exactly as planned, so they?

Lady Prism said...

Foam: Kinda' like a recent trend you save on gas coz' they come to you..a once a month luxury..

Sue: nice to see you here...and yeeeis..hee! hee!..I do so agree!


Alison: Exactly what I thought of as!...Actually turning a portion of ones garden into a birdie home is becoming a fad...that and the home massage..

SJ: It's fun when the kids come too..but they like to lounge home as much as they could on weekends...