Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Scweam!

"The most completely lost of all days is that one on which one has not laughed!" :Chamfort

It's been three days of no school....streets are flooded and the rains won't stop. Two days ago the Hubz was total down with the flu...Did me' best to keep him comfy while he chilled and ached..
He's okay now but everything is a buzz of cooking, video marathons, online gaming, guitar screechings, rock, and endless bugging ( from um'..yours truly) to please finish the's still raining, raining, raining...

can't stay long and this isn't exactly what I had in mind to post but it seems like I might have to succumb to a posting break...The kids aren't due to go back to school till Tuesday and I have to take care of a few things and some...which means .....
hmmm'..regular Luxie bloggy' life will resume by late next week....maybe Wednesday..
.shucks....I was planning on doodling with links and all that...siiigh'...

N' plans will have to wait...
I'll peak in once in a while...I gotta' go call....will watch something...Bruce Almighty I think...

Miss you all...mwah!
( Painting by Edvard Munch - "The Scream" )


darkfoam said...

still still?

i luv the edward munch

Guatyen said...

meow? :P

jac said...

Hey lux, it is lovely painting. Who did that ?

HLiza said...

We'll wait!

Amber Cargile said...

The cat's meow!

X. Dell said...

Wow, I hope you're not hit badly, at least as badly as last year when you lost one of your students. I hope that you have happy news for us this time around, after it's all over with.

darkfoam said...

keep your toesies dry, luxie! may you have a break from the rain soon.
hope your hubz is feeling better. in my experience hubz's don't make very good patients.

Guatyen said...

meowww? purrrrr....? how are you all? hope things get better soon.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

thinking of you...I sent a note through rebelbelle- at gmail. Hope you got it...
Hope you are ok~
Thinking and praying for you-

Alessandra Cave said...

Sometimes when we release the pressure of posting, we come back to it before we'd expected! That happened to me last week. Do what you gotta do and we'll be here for ya when you come back! :-)

X. Dell said...

Hmm. I'll wait to see how this resolves. I'm hoping that there's no damage to your current house (as for your previous two houses, let's not worry about them, only the families who may or may not dwell in them).

Be safe. Hope to hear more from you soon.