Monday, September 24, 2007

The Secrets of My Neighborhood

"My Neighborhood"

All God wants of man is a peaceful heart - Meister Eckhart

My goodness! It's a picture perfect Monday morning here I tell you. The sun is shinning sweet....not the kind that would grill you alive...The air is balmy fresh and cool...not stinking humid...even the birdies around my house are giddy' chirpy.

Tis' the kind of weather for a hot or cool thermal spring dip in Los Banos Laguna..or maybe a barbecue in the backyard while the kids are playing badminton (?)..okay..(reality check)..while the kids are playing something online.

I'm sorry though because in spite of all these well... I feel rather gritty crappy.

No..not...sad or whiny or angry...kinda' like ho hummm who cares mood....probably because there's a lot of stuff here needing to be done and put away and folded and filed and things to write and arrange and ...yeehaw...just am not in the mood for any of these...buuut I have to do everything of course..

Nonetheless...I feel five years old today!...

Am' I going to fight this feeling? Nope. Am I going to deny it? Nope. Am I going to tell it to go away? Nope. I intend to yoga with this if just for a day. Tomorrow, hopefully I shall be six.

Took a few snappy shots of my neighborhood. The pics made me smile because even if I feel all cranky doodle doo' really good thing I am grateful for is this pretty hideaway of a community I live in...almost like a secret.

Come cyber picnic with me at SENSUALUXIOUSLY LUX

Love to you all...


beezee~bee said...

sight of tranquility...peaceful. me going yoga now..chows ;p

Archana Srinivas Pottery said...

Sounds like a lovely Monday:-)

Thanks for sharing:-)


X. Dell said...

You've had a lot of activity recently, what with the move and all. A month or two later, I wouldn't be surprised if you felt a little ho-humm every now and then.

The weather here is similar to yours. Bright sun, but not hot.

Amber Cargile said...

Gorgeous neighborhood photo, Luxie! Love that fountain. I am with you...let's both be five and a half today, okay?

darkfoam said...

i feel gritty crappy too...
but no matter how gritty crappy i feel i seem to always carry that teeny tiny spark of hope and joy with me. sometimes it is itty bitty and almost gone but i always manage to reignite it back.
i feel that your spark is there. and what a more perfect place for it to be but when one feels 5 years old again.

butterflygirl said...

5 sounds good about now.

Lady Prism said...

mirrorme: wish we could do it together..:>

arch: You're welcome :> I was taking a look at some pictures of NYC...Can almost feel the weather there...

Amber: It's the day after..hee! hee!' back to being..well...ancient in the eyes of a true 5 year old.

Foam: Know waht?..I think we share the same teenie tiny spark u speak off :>>