Monday, October 01, 2007

A Birthday Post By Lucky Luxie

The Luxie Kiddo' at 18..
How beautiful is youth!
How bright it gleams,
With its illusions, aspirations and dreeams
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Im one shur' purring lucky Lady Luxie here...Ooooo yah'...Don't think there'd be any Luxie gal in the whole galactical universe to the 11th dimension ov' being who is certainly as lucky as Luxie meeh'' feline purring here....
See thet fantabolous header above?..the one with the dreamy concoction of my world in pics?....An awesome internet friend did that for me. Blew me away when I saw my how just so soft and comforting and all things candy colored soothing rosy she saw the essence of Lady Lux to elegantly gentle..I am in love with my header....

ROXANNE what can I say to you fantastic lady?... The first ever bloggy' commenter I have had since the big bang of my bloggy' existence?

Yes..what can I say when "thank you" is a mere scratch in the surface.. But till there be another way... for now all I can breath is a thank you from the deepest secret nook of my heart...

Thank you for giving life to the soul of this blog...Thank you for being with me through the highs and lows and changes and discoveries..Thank you for being real and honest and fortright....Thank you for being the kindred spirit that you are...

I have the kindest..smartest..foxiest cyber bloggy' friends...and I am sooo just happy to find all of you..every single one of you who drop by with your xo's and your :) and your make me feel so just lucky to be a woman...oh' and not to forget even the " ( very very few good men)" who have been around for so long...they are very special to me...particularly of course X DELL who has been privy to the evolution ( so to speak ) of Lady Luxie...

Lucky lucky meeh...and well....

The month of September ended with compelling grace the highlight of which was the birthday celebration of my son whose pic is up there. A warm fuzzy cozy night of togetherness after his classes at the uni ended..Can't believe he used to be 1 and now he is 18....Snooks' cant' believe I have an 18 year old actually!!....I kinda' like it ...the kids being their age now..18 and 16...different set of challenges but at least they can be trusted to fend for themselves a whole lot...Another reason for feeling Lucky Luxie today...

I hope the week starts and ends peacefully well for all of us...I send my hugs and kisses to all of you...

and from my heart to yours...just a little sneak peek look at the highlight of my September:



beezee~bee said...

wulcummee back break i hope ;p
so ur son's 18 eh? so me can give me numberrr??? LOL

darkfoam said...

Almost adult children are an amazing thing to behold. My sixteen year old surprises me all the time. Family time is so important. Many 18 year olds i know wouldn't be caught dead with their families on their birthdays. let's see....i'm trying to remember if i was home on my 18th ... nope, i don't think so...:).
i loved the photos on your other site.
yes, and that mantissa certainly can create amazing headers.

Amber Cargile said...

What a handsome son you have, Luxie! I am sure this is a bittersweet time for you, but you can stand tall and proud! Your new banner is smashing! Love it!

butterflygirl said...

18-OMG-time sure flies, doesn't it?

X. Dell said...

Roxanne's really good at that. Mayden's is spectacular also.

Your kiddo is the splittin' image of his mama.

Guatyen said...

wow wow! fresh lookin banner luxie! what a sweet family time to celebrate 18th birthday! he is so lucky to have you guys and parents! :)

HLiza said...

And my girl's bday is just a day apart form him! He has your looks..Happy bday to him.

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

I love love your blog and the way you are! You are my twin!!!!
Thank you thank you so much for your sweet lovely comment!
You write with magic!
I love your "about me" description!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

Happy Birthday to your son!