Doe Nut Misadventure
I don't often get spit fire angry! I would take a really mean offense to make me lose my cool calm carefree tolerant composure...Don't get me wrong.... I'm not claiming to be an idiotic walking puff of cloud with a perpetual glazed smile..I'm merely expressing that as much as muuuch as possible...I don't allow myself to get highly strung on account of someone I don't know and would probably never ever see short I don't flip my cool over a stranger.
Not this after lunch though. I should be feeling sorry I think. But I'm not....maybe not yet...maybe not for a long time...Usually when I get angry I feel a certain remorse looking back and telling myself I should have just let it go....wasn't worth it. Right now I feel like it WAS worth it.
So we went to MOA ( MALL OF ASIA)....not really to shop or anything but for an entirely interesting reason I'll talk about next post.....So thing is..we were there in this huuuuuuuge first time really and everyone I know seemed to have been there....kinda' impressed because of the sheer size of it!..I dunno' if there could be a mall bigger than this one in the entire galaxy....They even had this golf cart' golf carts to drive you around if you happen to get tired....I love the view of the bay....that was my fave spot...N'way....this isn't really about the mall..
...while strolling around we happened to discover that an old childhood restaurant had been revived. One major chain that binds us ( hubby and I) together is food adoration...and so we adored this one to heart and ordered us and the boys some really fantastic lunch!...I'd love to talk abut the lunch but this isn't about lunch really...It's about donuts.Coffee is a must after every meal and that Savory meal was heavy so we wanted a light cuppa' coffee just to go while we walk around the bay portion of the mall...I was the one who spotted a Mr. Donut so we walked in...Aside from us there was a couple in a smal table having their fill...My hubby' made small talk to the person behind the counter asking if the aircondition was working..The guy behind had this sortov' unsure look on his face and barely muttered that it wasn't...
So okay....Hubz placed in the order for the three cups..
No...They didn't have Equal available..just plain big deal...
While this was going on I had my eyes on the chocolate donuts..tempting...tempting...I was visualizing how a cinnamon dusted choco would look in my hands..or a glazed choco for that matter...
We walked to a table to add sugar and coffee to our brew...Meanwhile three costumers came in...I told hubz that it would be nice to take home half a dozen donuts for an after dinner snack....
I went back to the counter and this lady and the cashier guy worked oooh' soooo slowly with the two costumers ahead of me...I stood there happy..patient..imagining the donuts at home already....
hot place...sloooow serving...
Aha! finally it was my turn...
so this lady asks me what I'd want..I pointed to the choco this and that...and this and that...and....That's when I noticed that she was placing everything in small plastic take out bags...So I ask her if she could just pack the donuts in a box instead....
I was waiting for a yes or no...She asked me how many donuts I would take I answered "half a dozen."...
This lady looked at me and said..(and I translate).." You should have said so to begin with!"...She says this with an "attitude!!!"
At that point I just stood there..stone silent.....taller than her...the air turning eyes burning face slowly flaming hands turning smile slowly curving into a snickering left eyebrow arching to heavens...and I tell her in what seemed to be a hissing whisper..."You rude young lady...You dare talk to me the way you obviously talk to your own family...Take back these donuts and know that your skills aren't even good enough to be boxing them!"
I followed it up with asking for her name and making it clear that I was considering filing a complaint.
I was really really really shaking mad.
You see aside from injustice one other thing that can set me off is rudeness. And I've tolerated some ( more than some) from people behind the counter selling something...the uncaring response...the buy it or leave I don't give a *uck attitude...
But when someone dare blatantly and rudely pose an attitude on me over donuts....well you're asking for it....and she got what she was asking for...
Am' not happy or proud for returning rudeness with rudeness...It's just that how much rudeness can one tolerate? Gawd' believe me I haven't seen a lack of it around...I've just run out of cheeks to turn! Sometimes you've just got to set people in their place.. slap them through your words...
am bad...bad Luxie...
I dunno'..maybe next time..( oh' I hope there won't be any!!)..maybe I'll be calmer. Maybe I can respond in a kinder way...dwats dunno'..
or maybe I can just get me an extra cheek...snooks...October is turning out to be rather interesting!
(ps: at least I was spared from extra calories)
rudeness really gets me too .. i have been trying not to let it affect me because it seems to be everywhere but i can't always control my reaction ... sigh ...
big giant malls are the worst for it i find ~ we have the 3rd largest mall worldwide here in edmonton (west edmonton mall) and its crazy, i hardly ever go there, lol ... though i keep meaning to go with camera and take pictures, one of these days :)
mmmmm chocolate ... hope your weekend is wonderful!
That would have got to me too.
Look forward to seeing what you do with your new home :)
i would have walked away from those donuts too, luxie...
i don't think you ever need to regret your behavior towards this young whippersnapper.
Like you, I am tempted by savory doughnuts, and chicken. I'm also highly annoyed by rudeness, especially if I'm the one paying. It's almost as if they're doing you a favor by taking your money.
Actually, the attitude of the staff might reflect the attitude of management. A complaint was in order. If you go there again, and get rude treatment, I'd say that the management is either incompetent or they don't give an uck either.
DAisies: Welcome to me' bloggy! Soooo enjoyed yours!!
I'm not so much into malling either..but our urban setting doesn't live much choice for a stroll...siiigh...I hate enclosed chatter and noise and just bumping into people...
Would love to see your mall pics though...
Tea: 'ello...Thanks for dropping by...That experience was super irritating...:<
Foam: Actually, in my mind I was flinging the donuts all across the my my mind..hee! hee!...I pwoooomise to be coool next time...siiiiigh...
X:DELL: Yep'...the fact that the other staff acted so I dunno..what's the word.."lame"?...probably tells a lot about the training support they get...phew! Ah' well...I just hope the lady will have learned her lesson from me...
talk about 'customer service' huh...good 4 u lux, stand up & voice up. given my low threshold...i wud hv probly stuff d donuts into her mouth n curse away.
I definitely believe in not letting strangers get to me, but let me tell you, it is sometimes a Herculean effort for me, esp when people are rude or stupid. I do try to keep my cool...but I also believe people treat you the way you let them (or teach them) to treat you. So if they really cross the line, sometimes you have to reestablish the boundaries!
Thanks for your visits to my blog..I really appreciate your lovely comments:-)
Love your banner and let me link you so I can visit you often:-)
Sometimes it does some people good to hear some plain speaking. And it must be done when necessary- like you did :)
Loved your new header & thanx a million for the hearfelt warm words you left on my blog- you are the best!
I hate rude ppl.. I guess u did the right thing..give them a taste of their own selves!
I would say that this was not only a case of rudeness returned, but also you subconscious acting up (after a pretty hard internal fight: "She really wants those donuts!" "No, do something about it, stop her before it is too late!" "Oh, she's lusting after those donuts, have compassion with her!" "No way, go and act before the caloric overdrive drowns her reasoning out completely!" "Well, ok, I'll push the button! *sigh*).
From the city of Dr. Freud,
sans donuts,
Oh poo. Some people suck. Especially the rude ones. Lux, you were right to put her in her place. Maybe she went home and thought about it. Now you have contributed to her being a much better person.
Love ya!
MIrror: LOL!!Oh' I am so sure! he! he!..Wonder what would have happened if we were both together at that time :>
ARCH: Thank you thank you:> The banner was made by a bloggy friend:>
VINEETA: THanks and you are welcome as well. And you're right..just sometimes when necessary...
MERISI: I was really thinking hard still why that happened..kinda' like out of the spontaneous combustion...Your explanation is curiously plausible :>
GILLIAN: Hi..I don't want to ever have to feel that or do that agai...siiigh..I just hope that she did learn something out of it...
LOL at being spared the extra calories.
I understand you.
I bet you are not the type to freak out--but on the occasion that someone is deliberately rude: sometimes you just have to let loose.
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