Misty is me'
Have you ever gotten out of bed feeling a bit apprehensive, a whiff' forlorn or just entirely enveloped in a melancholy mist? What a question. If you happen to be a woman reading this, then chances are you must have. And that's how it is for me this Monday morning.
Perhaps it's the cool balmy weather. The skies are downcast, as if unable to decide if it would shower rain or not. The birdies are still chirpy upbeat though. I can clearly hear them from where I'm typing this. Sigh.
Or it could be because I know that Luxie hubbzy' and I will be so busy this coming week and two. In fact, he is leaving tomorrow for an out of town work related trip...then in another week will be flying off out of the country for a conference.
Or it could be I have a few secret concerns that are troubling my mind. Nothing major...well..I hope...nevertheless, I'm thinking..... thinking about it.
Or it could be that the rushing in of holiday merry is having an opposite effect on me. You see, yesterday we watched "Lions For Lambs" at the Ayala Center....It was a thick roll of crowd that greeted our sight. The department stalls had placed extended tables outside their stores and the maddening crowd were all frantically shopping for the latest salest buy. Crowds...crowds...zombie shopping crowd..shudder!
Ah'..I must find my balance...a center of sensibility amidst all the going ons around me. Sooo..in a matter of a few minutes I will get ready to head out. I need a pair of shoes and a few something else. Afterwards, I will look for a decently quiet spot in a coffee shop ( if I can find any) and write down my thoughts.I miss reading here and browsing through all the glorious glorious bloggies around the world. I miss oh' just miss reading inspirational thoughts and viewing all those heavenly homes and shop pictures so generously posted by everyone I read. I miss connecting with the hip cybie crowd I know...Sometime soon..sometime soon.
I still have a couple of weeks of work to go through...after which I will fly to Singapore to rendezvous with my hubby for four days of honeymooning fun. I look forward to that!..Right now...I just have to defog..de clog...de mist my swirly mind...
Have a good week coming everyone!
Ps: Another loo' pic and food we all ate some time the past week. The "Beef Gyudon" ( upper left hand corner) was what I had last night at Yoshinoya.
pss: Thank you all for leaving comments and saying hi..I will be passing by and replying soon..love you all.
i'm in a doodee daze of work and chores, just finished ironing the clothes! gonna turn off the computer and spend the rest of the day reading and maybe gardening... playing too! :) hope all is well for you... *huggies*
Guys feel misty all the time. We just show it differently.
The food in the pictures looks heavenly, but the last thing I want to think about right now is yule.
i'm gonna have to do some major, major, major .... don't know what really....
cause i've been sinking into some serious funk of the blahs here ....
so, i know how ya feeling, babe..
loo photos are great...
as long as we don't get the actual loo.
ps: if i didn't have kidses i'd just boycott the holiday season.
i've been tired of it i saw the first xmas stuff out in the stores sometime in, oh, september i think.
Hi Luxie, I know what you mean about feeling the blues. I always get that way when the days become shorter and the weather gets colder in my neck of the woods. I'm happy you'll soon be getting away with your hubby to Singapore. Surely, you and your hubby will have a lot of fun which will lift your spirits.
i will email you right now.
Luxie, just stopping by to say hello!
hugs n kisses ;)
ohhh a Singapore rendezvous sounds fabulous!! My husband goes there often and loves it.
Love your header and the blue color (although I guess I am partial to blue hehehe) background!
Have a great week Lux!! You have made me hungry so I am off to get breakfast! =]
Luxie, I am so glad you are taking some time to nurture yourself...the shopping, the lovely food, the upcoming Singapore trip...sound like just the ticket! Feeling blue now and then is part of living life fully...but I am hoping for sunny skies for you my dear!
Hope you and hubs have/had a great reunion. Lady Luxie, youse a special sprite Sugar.
Have a good 'honeymooning' :)
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