Oriental Swirling Chi Around Me
First a sweet thank you for visiting and taking time to read. I treasure the comments and they have all left an indelible imprint of your joy and smile.
I just don't say these words to say something..I truly appreciate and carry in my heart the messages you leave. I remember them all....so much so that they inspire me to be even braver in creating dreams and making them come true.
I just don't say these words to say something..I truly appreciate and carry in my heart the messages you leave. I remember them all....so much so that they inspire me to be even braver in creating dreams and making them come true.
In my post down I mentioned that I am busy with something. As it turns out, I will be even busier than first anticipated. You see,I am taking important steps to creating the me I see years and years on down the road. The opportunity to do so has presented itself. The steps and doorways to the plans I have spoken off in past posts are here.
Yes, I can already see the me of the future!! In fact, last night in bed..when sleep wouldn't come I decided to converse with the me 30 years from now.
Yes, I can already see the me of the future!! In fact, last night in bed..when sleep wouldn't come I decided to converse with the me 30 years from now.

I probably sound weird...but one of my fave spiritual mentors wrote about the merits of visualizing the future you...She spoke of thinking deeply into how when you reach the future..it is no longer the future but becomes the now.....Sounded quite strange and funny at first, but the more I thought about it, the better I understood where she was coming from.
She spoke of visualizing that you are seated in front of the older you asking her how she made it...How she became everything you want to be...only she is you in the future...and you are you today. Whew!
As wacko as it may seem, I did have that mini chitchat. I told her of the dreams I have for my family....how I see all of us in the future...my boys being confident and successful...and my husband and I active and fulfilled....I talked about my teaching...my school..my art...my home...I also told her of the fears and doubts I have...
I saw her in my mind...listening wisely.
I know it sounds crazy....If some people who know "meatspace" me would read this..they would probably ask.."Why not talk to God?...Have you become God now that you have resorted to asking counsel from yourself?"
Then I thought of what Emerson, an advocate of self reliance and trusting oneself, would probably say...he would understand. Confidence in yourself is confidence in God.
I am not even that comfortable saying this here..but having that mind soliloquy gave me a surge of strength.... knowing that my future is settled..
Then I thought of what Emerson, an advocate of self reliance and trusting oneself, would probably say...he would understand. Confidence in yourself is confidence in God.
I am not even that comfortable saying this here..but having that mind soliloquy gave me a surge of strength.... knowing that my future is settled..
No. I do not live for tomorrow or some other day hoping that the routines of the current hour will pass as a blur. On the other hand, I am now, more than ever aware of what I am and what I possess right now at each moment.
And my now is something I need to focus on and enjoy...even if.I do have to momentarily set aside a few of the other things dear to me such us..blogging.
And my now is something I need to focus on and enjoy...even if.I do have to momentarily set aside a few of the other things dear to me such us..blogging.
With this I take a momentary bow from blogland....perhaps for two weeks and one. Of course, I will take a peek once in a while...but focus is my mantra for now. I will so miss everyone..I will be back before the month ends.
Blessings to you...and do tell me to..break a leg or knock em' dead....( not literally course..he!)
go 4 ur dreams girl n set ur priorities rite. n likewise on d gd words u've spread ard...u've certainly played n integral part of my bloggie community ;p. be safe n be well, aite!
i really need to do what you are doing. a concentrated leave of absence. it's hard in that the stuff i need to focus on isn't fun..so, i procrastinate and escape into bloggy land.
but, anywho girlfriend.....
break a leg and all that good stuff...
some of the best photos are taken in the loo. i know some of mine have been..lol..
work hard.
work well.
blog as a reward.
siopao looks great.
made me hungry.
you are pretty.
May all your plans and dreams come true!
We all carry the Divine within us, don't we? So you talk with your self as you wish to be, is still a discussion with the God-Within, to my mind. I think it's a wonderful thing to do, to state your purpose, to express your desires, to affirm your goals. Strength, power and goodness to you during this part of your journey.
(1) We're always glad to see you iin cyberspace, but who among us don't understand. All we ask is that you not forget us. Meanwhile, we'll do the same.
(2) Visualization is something that has been shown both by anecdotal accounts and scientific inquery to work. It's not something that sounds freakish at all. Basically, you're preparing your mind for a possible reality change.
(3) The Emerson quote reminds me of my grandmother. She had a sixth sense (most people would call her psychic), but the counsel she took to herself she always explained as originating in "The Lord." I would suggest that your meatspace friends be told that there's no need for conflict.
Lux. This is not good news to me. As one of the few readers, who inspire me deep so as to open up in my comments was you.
It is sad and bad news that I would be loosing a regular reader.
As you said, priorities in life is important and you may have to brush off a few things, how ever momentarily important it may look like, with sorrow I wish you all the success and focus in your new venture what ever it is.
With requests for visiting me or letting me know whenever you are in the blogs.
Lastly, I would like to know if you will reconsider doing the blogging in a phased way which in no way will distract you from your ventures...like blogging once in a week or once every fortnight, giving us a chance to read your talented expression of your insights
i do that, converse with the future me. even as a child i would write myself letters and sometimes i would find them and remember where i was and talk to myself in the past.
i love your photos, xoxox
Oh, I think that is a great idea, Luxie! So often I make decisions thinking, "What will I think of this in X number of years"...the idea of actually looking at your future self in the eye is even better! I am keeping my fingers, toes and other appendages crossed that all will be fantastic for you, fabulous one!
Oh, I think that is a great idea, Luxie! So often I make decisions thinking, "What will I think of this in X number of years"...the idea of actually looking at your future self in the eye is even better! I am keeping my fingers, toes and other appendages crossed that all will be fantastic for you, fabulous one!
Oh, I think that is a great idea, Luxie! So often I make decisions thinking, "What will I think of this in X number of years"...the idea of actually looking at your future self in the eye is even better! I am keeping my fingers, toes and other appendages crossed that all will be fantastic for you, fabulous one!
i'm still in a daze... just droping by to give you a huggy wuggy. whatever your desire and dreams... go go go! i'll be here to cheer you on!
That's a good idea Lux..I do have silent conversations with myself on and off..and (what I think as) God too..
Hello Luxie, You need to follow your heart. This is definately your spirit talking to you and you need to listen. This is sure to be a time of huge growth and happiness for you. I notice there are times when I need to become very reclusive, because this is what helps me to achieve some of my spiritual goals, thus helping me to to achieve desired goals in the physical world. Good luck and I hope that all your dreams come true for you.
i really do enjoy reading your thoughts...you are such a vibrant and joyful spirit. i hope you relish your blogging break.
Hi Luxie,
I missed reading your blog, I myself have been kept busy for sometime...
But lovely to know that you've set out to do things that you've only dreamt of in the past.
That's exactly where I am as well and it is such an exhilarating feeling I must say.
I wish you all the best...from one dreamer to another (let's make that dreamer-doer)
I don't know if you know of my other blog btw...you first visited my greedy blugger site (of which I'm totally, totally guilty of neglecting)
And oh, what a beautiful photo of a beautiful woman...
the other blog is http://pinayinbarnsley.typepad.com
Luxie, you are a tease...throw us a bone w/ some specifics when you can, lady! :-) Godspeed!
Having that talk is wonderful, with the older you. I did it a long time ago and now I met up with her. She's not quite what I wanted though..hahaha.
I love the philosophy and have studied it for years..
Luxie, all the best. Even though I don't get to read often I will miss you for a wee while. C ya when you are back!
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