Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Way Of The Dodo!

Not only is it my wedding anniv today ( thanks for the greets down below folks!) buuut...I just found out that today happens to be...EARTH DAY!! Yaaaaay!!!! Whoohoooo!!! Oh' yeah'..so here I am in my most "Earthlander" attire so fitting for this occasion :))

To be honest, I never really gave much thought about the earth thingy' celebrations or cared even an iota enough for global warming talks or environmental concerns. I clean my backyard. I don't burn leaves ( like my neighbor's doooooo.....hrmph....not even considering that there's a law against it..but who knows anything about the law anyway eh?). I don't pollute or throw trash just about anywhere.

Hey' really..I'm

Uuuuh'... just don't peek underneath my sink where I keep mounds of plastic soda containers and plastic grocery bags that will surely, without a doubt, find their way soon enough into our gut wrenching stinking overused landfills wheeeeeere..... the poorest of our urban poor clamor to rummage through the contents of Manila's garbage.

Oh' and a couple of my aerosol fresheners don't count. What's two anyway eh??

It's real nice though watching the "green" people talk their stuff, I empathize enough. It's even more interesting to see clips of "Greenpeace" folksies and some other earthy geeky people sometimes being hauled by the police for"disturbing the peace" I suppose. Why just a few days ago, I even watched ( local news TV) three smashin' sexy hot lettuce wearing ladies ( a Filipina, a Canadian , and an American), all members of PETA ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) being shooed by the cops ( to the dazed amusement of the watching throng) who all looked totally like "lost" and not so sure how to handle three super scantily attired posing pretty ladies in veggie bikinis all smiles while shouting about going vegan..ha!ha!ha!ha!hee!hee!.

And we are barraged by reminders to conserve..conserve..recycle..recycle..I know that already... As far as my subconscious is concerned.

Then I saw THEM! I was sooo just moved and just...really heartbroken. SEALS. Seals in Alaska struggling for "iceberg space". Where did all the icebergs go??? Which reminded me of dolphins...our own dolphins over here.

You see, a few years back we went to this pretty island...and on the way there a school of dolphins started cruising beside our boat after which, they all but proceeded to somersault...awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then suddenly from nowhere...we saw garbage...g.a.r.b.a.g.e. in the open seas!!!! Opeeen seeeeaaas!!! Can you believe that??...

And those poor dolphins had to swim through the floating debris of sandwich wraps and soda cans ( I distinctly remember the Pepsi can) and so much...just so much more unbelievable.... muck. We can only surmise that the garbage came from the surrounding islands. All resorts. Definitely, it was resort garbage.

The cheery boatload of locals and foreign tourists all fell silent. We just stared and stared and stared...at the poor dolphins. I think in some way......we all
were collectively upset and sad and maybe...yes, felt a tinge guilty......even if it wasn't our garbage and didn't have anything to do with it. I feel sad right now thinking of this. Makes me feel like we're heading the way of the Dodo.

And for the first time I'm contemplating...the way things are going right now...if we all don't do something...the smallest something...if I don't do my smallest something...we all will become like those poor seals...struggling and begging for space.......in a plundered murdered world that has lost all its dignified human semblance of a breathing..... living..... habitable earth.


beezee~bee said...

Hapi belated anniversary Lux...a lil' late, i know!
hv a fab day & yes, kiss some greens today ;b

Guatyen said...

happy anniversary and happy earth day! OoOoo... the beach! i longed for the beach! hope you guys had a fun day!

darkfoam said...

lovely surroundings!
and it's worth all those small steps to help save it.