Weeell..I'll be....I wasn't expecting Blue to scurry out this fast....No second help from these cookies huh?!..That bad???...hee! hee!
Got hold of some really wild good news. Life changing you might say...
So here I am though a wee' sleeepy coz' of the truly late night I had, but grinning still ear to ear...Champagnes next week once the super hubby' collects this little something...something..that's life changing..yeeebah!...
Meanwhile, I've been musing on that "wheel of life"......errr..."cycle of life" ....
Like thinking one should never really just give up when ones got a dream..Could be the dream iz' stuck under the wheel one the way gums do....
then a little push causes' the wheel to roll there...with the gum probably with it....
but then uuuuuu' you know it..
you've got that dream right where it should be...
on top...
And musing still on me' life here...Said I've got buckets to be thankful for...well the buckets seemed to ave' turned to wells of thankfulness...Yeh'..I've got darn deep wells to be thankful for....
And one particular well am' thankful for is ...the well of fear
Of all the fears I have... none can equal my fear of debt.
Just saying coz' there's this someone I know real well whose mired into it real bad....and wouldn't listen to no one....And how can one live when people after people are knocking on your door demanding for pay up...I guess we all just have to learn life's lessons our own way...even if it takes pain...
When the Hubz and I were newly married...we had this Master of the Universe credit card.....Well okay..theeese credit cards. Once we saw however, what mighty temptation it grandly was.......snip' snap snip snap it went...We've always purchased cash...what was beyond the budget would have to wait....
Takes a lot of hard work to pay cash...and wait...but there's a payoff to it..
peace of mind.
Nobody's going to knock on our door or ring up Hubby sweetie pie sayin' "your wife owes me this"....which is what happened to this someone I know......warned her..
I know there are times when having to take out a loan is the most practical thing to do...a car..or house is worth it..provided that one is realistically aware that payments can be fairly managed...To swallow more than one can chew would surely choke up...and a choke could lead to death....
What am I saying?..I am just affirming myself. I'm thankful that I'm not extravagant....There are things I want...deeesiiire even....( like a really nifty oven and barbeque grill and humongous plasma TV and a home theater and this pine china cabinet at Sogos and an Ethan Allen bed and this gracious thingy' with something sparkling in the middle...and a trip to Tuscany and...and..and...) .....
........but I wouldn't resort to taking indiscreet loans to fund my fancy.
I'm thankful that I can sleep peacefully and that I don't owe anyone.......aNytHing...
.I guess..... If there ever is one thing I do owe anyone...
It would probably have to be...
a here...
"sssmooooch....mwwwwah'......smack'..... kizz'.... mwaaah..smmoooochie'!!"....
don't you owe us some hugs too....
sipping coffee here....waiiiiiiiiting..
pay up now, ya hear!
well actuall we owe you a bunch of thanks for writing such a great bloggy for us, luxie.
i'm the same with you on this debt thing. if we have credit card debt, it gets payed off that same month. when we took out a loan to purchase this house we live in, the loan officer at the bank was astounded to find out that we have no debt besides the mortgage payment from the other house. we also never purchase a house where two salaries are needed to pay for the mortgage. i've known too many folks who've had to sell and downsize because one of them has lost their job. i really rather already be downsized .. :)
xoxoxox - i think i owe you some of those..
Me and my brother earn around the same. As you might have known from my blog I don't exactly lead a frugal life. I won't consider myself a wise spender. However I always have a surplus while he is always in debt. Wonder why?
I agree with you 100% Luxie. The less a person spends, the more free they are to really do the things that count in life.
I don't hardly ever purchase anything unless I feel that I positively can't do without it.. things such as food and art supplies.. and music supplies..
It's really the secret to being less stessed out.
I like the nice music on your blog and the lovely pictures that go along with your posts.
WoW ! That is not a kiss ! Thats a smack !!
Hahaha, I was going on reading and reading in anticipation of hearing something about this sexy tree.
Well! What do I get ? a smack ??
OoOo.. sexy tree and a smoochie, hehe... that must be one really great life changing news! :)
me and husband are very careful in spending too, even though we don't have much, we're thankful for what we have and living comfortably, together with a dog and a cat :)
Everyone: A million gazzillion huggzies to all. I love that you came in a rush now ( the dinner thing I wrote about..) will comment back here some time soon!)
Am back..
Foam: I threw you a load of huggies a day or two back but here's moooore hugsssss...huuuugssss..huuugssss!!! :>>
SJ: Hm'..your bro has expenses he can't afford..You are generous to yourself and that's a great trait..
JAC..a kiss is still a kiss he! he!..
Thankwee: welcome to my bloggy' home...and absolutely..freedom is priceless...
Alison:..with a dog plus a cat..whooheee...that's about a lot of rich loving you can have..who needs anything more eh?...:>
hi, Luxie
that indeed is a sexy tree. and your post is a wake up call to many. if is very difficult to be in debt, more so, taking debts to pay up for debts. i have been in that situation 15 years ago, and how dearly i paid for it--most important was a firm resolve not to be in debt anymore, a lot of humility, a change in life style and priorities.
i am new here, but i am beginning t o enjoy your site.
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