Life is GreaT
It's a habit already..
I am so used to being up till about midnight...winky' sleep comes in around one am or two and wake up cookle' doo's round six. However, I cannot ignore that some sort of internal clock is going haywire in me..or probably I should say, an inner alarm is warning " I am NoT 21 " and should watch my ways...
Thankfully... I think my weekend will be soothing. A trip to the farm is set on Sunday....sweet breeze and a cool swim....good food and family spells comfort.
So with this I leave bloggy' land for a day or two...My first dip on the dreamy pool is dedicated to all of you...May peace reside in our hearts and laughter peel through your soul this weekend.
ps: Hubby just called...wants me to get dressed real nice...dinner..fine dine...
life is great! you all!
A weekend on the farm, cool pool water! Mmmm, sounds great I'll join you via cyber space.
I'll email you the interview questions!
Awww, you deserve a weekend away from it all.
And thank you so much for the wonderful encouraging words you left me.
hann:...You're welcome to join me!..Here splash! splash!!!
Will wait for it..
bardouble29: I'm looking forward to relax time...and you're welcome:>
okay, well, have a good dip in that pool..
methinks i might go to the local ymca pool this weekend..
actually, i think i just found my teddybear that's been missing. it's the one that's peeking out way back in the corner behind your photo.
you know the one...the one with only the ears peeking through. yap, mine, mine, mine....
but how did it get waaaaay over there?
Life's great ... so am I but you never mention that :)
i love that farm! i remember all the photos of it. i cant wait to hear about the big change. youre moving to north georgia, right? theres farms there too ya know.your husband spoils and adores you. good. thats how it should be.
Luxie! Good to hear from you! HOpe you are well.
Sleeping it off isn't easy to do anymore, is it?
Enjoy your dinner with your hubby, your weekend, and take a dip for me.
Cheers! xo
Awww have fun m'dear! And make the most out of it! Good family and good food sure are the best drugs of the century as they give off the best highs! Do take care!
You've been in so many of my thoughts during the week- I'm home again with hubby and the kids :) It is good to go away- and it's good to come home again!
Hope you have a wonderful trip...splash, splash!
Enjoy your time of rest and fun :)
All the best dear, have a nice week end.
a quiet day in a farm, by the pool, that for me is idyllic, compared with the fast paced artificial city life.
Is it my fault ? if it is...I apologise !
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