Fashion Passion
"The best fashion is the one worn by a good heart."
By: Lady Luxie
Ahem'..ahem...I can't believe I actually said that..or rather...wrote that to Alison...( see link uppity there..). I might as well have been facing myself and dishing me the same line.
Ah'..funny..but this great universe literally speaks to me through just about everything I do..everywhere I turn..even through....oh...specially through your thoughts bloggy' sisters and brothers..
Amen to that!
Though I don't rate myself as a fashion obsessed person..I must say I love to play dress up... when and only when....( which is a rarely when..) the occasion calls for it.
I don't regularly shop for clothes or die for the latest sale...In fact. I am what you could possibly term a "flea market clothes junkie.."...I'd best be comfy in a pair of jeans and bugssy' shirt.
Lately however, I seem to be experiencing a head to foot inner epiphany of fashion discovery...A Barbie enlightenment of sorts I never thought I had. Le' Oreal counters are a lure, the Ponds 7 day Miracle Cream is a seduction, and I just bought two pairs of Celine shoes plus another one which wasn't on sale!....
Ooooh..and clothes..clothes..clothes are in my mind!
And not just any mind you...huh! They ought to be braaaanded...Maaaade from the farthest galaxy if possible...No knock offs phuleeeazze..I want the real deal honey.. Gucci..Prada...yada'..yada...sinful covetous thoughts...
This I bet has been brought about by several logical factors:
1. a career shift which requires me to speak in front of an audience
2. hanging out in the business district
3.being 39
4. black stray cats, warming
6. Philippine political instability ( since the age of the Conquistadores...)
7. and perhaps... the current drought Manila is experiencing.
Ah' sheez'..maybe I'm just growing up.... late bloomer you know.
Then I got to thinking...
No..It isn't really that I want to impress...I simply want to dress to express...
Yes..that's it!!!
I want to express that I feel good and that I like me. Took a long time for me to completely like me...sniff!...and I feel like I want everything..the whole of myself to express it...through Maybelline red rouge lipstick!
I want to pamper me and take care of me and to value me.
Lotsa' meehs......iiiiin vogue!
Oh' wait.....
I bet I don't really need to be in a designer suit...
The best fashion statement I still say is a smile...
I have that...see....:>>
....coming from a good heart....
Hmmm'.....a good heart...
A good heart I ought to remember is a classic..
always in style...
With this in mind I think.... whatever it is I wear....
be it suit, shirt, blouse, sack...or seamless bra...
I always will be..
a model of what comfortably suits me'...
Le' chic...Lady Luxie
ps: Do I look too green in this pic?...You think I'd look better looking pink?..a little more grey perhaps?...I have three selections of the pic...
Oh lookie I'm first!
Hey Luxie I am just catching up with all the writing you have done, I enjoy this post, I am learning to love and like myself here. I am my biggest critic and need to relax, even when being a bit overweight LOL.
Glad you are back at blogging!
a smile always goes a long way.
i don't sear a smile enough: my critique of myself here.
a new 'professional' profession does equal new clothes. unfortunately in the business world you got to 'dress for success'? cliche...but it seems to be true. but even within that realm you can wear clothes that reflect luxie and her good heart..:)..and great smile, of course.
and as far as age? you might have a point there. this post kind of reminded me when i wrote my : i'm looking at myself in the mirror a whole lot post and discovering signs of aging therefore i'm a gonna start posting pics of mirror looking is something i had done rarely in the past.
wear a smile...i meant to say...
hahaha! you have good taste! now i know where to bring you if/when you come to malaysia! :) yes, agree that one do feel good in high powered energy clothes, not denying we need those in the biz/corporate world. but what buys in the end is still the good heart and the genuine sincere smiles. luv the pic, let us see the other colours!
I would never have thought that political instability would be a factor in a person wanting various things (especially clothes), but it makes sense, actually.
I hope you're right about a good heart always being in fashion. I'm not quite so confident.
lol... you are too funny! I would love to go clothes shopping with you!
Hope all is well there!
Hann: ooooh Hann!!..Nice to see you here. I'll be dropping by next. Do you know that I always think of your posts on health and fitness? It was when I read a post you did about a friend of yours who achieved her fitness goals that I began to seriously consider the state of my own health. I can't fool myself. I know that the tiredness I feel is brought about by my laziness to even pursue my yoga...The gym?...Well..I used to go but mostly the membership subscription went to waste..arrgggh and woe to me!...The relaxing least I think I'm doing'...
Foam: I've started smiling even on my!..That's when I noticed the lines becoming more prominent than ever..And see the bewildered look in my eye there?..Gawd..I spent eons in front of the mirror unbelieving that I could look so..well...dry skinned..and yes..I no longer look as young and fresh and cool as I used! hu! hu!..I kept on stretching my face! hu! hu!...My eyebags..well...I don't even want to go that far...he! he!..
I dunno' what's happening to me..sort ov' like panic mode...Haaaah!...N'ways..I'll get over this..phase..stage..whatever....Which reminds me..I'm out of moisturizer...
Alison: I like power dressing...but I like the "going to the beach without a care to the world look" even better!...My idea of jewelry is a string of puca shells...Annnd ooooh..what glittery fun we will have if we meet hee! hee! hee!...Foood...take me where we can eat lots!!..I luuuuv Malaysian food!!!!
X:DELL: Political instability is a rave here...Oh gaaawd'..hee! hee! hee!..I remembered during the worst crises ever...( lotsa' worst of course..but this one is about the major worst coz' I was a teenager when it took place and it was like the whole country went to party with tanks..) Well..anyway..this guy..senator I think..Al..yeah..well never mind who..Well.. the country was about to be submerged into civil war and there he was caught on camera being pampered by a make up artist wearing a very obvious expensive leather jacket which looked totally silly on him..especially on that occasion...Oh'..and we had an ex president who went on plunder trial on national tv..well..snooks you should have seen the parade of glitter from our senators ad congressmen and women..gawd'...everyone in their expensive costumes...snooksies...I dunno' if you can understand what I'm saying..or what I mean..anyway...I'm just wondering why you seem to doubt that a good heart would always be in fashion....Hmmm'..thinking...I know something that definitely wouldn't go out of fashion ever...
Levis jeans..
the older the better...just my opinion...
Kate: Glad to see you! I was thinking of you yesterday...Will drop by your homey in a sec!
You're right-a smile is the best thing in a person's wardrobe. I'd like to see you a little more pink!
39 is a good age for good clothes. you are a babe luxious...i always thought so. it will be fun to see you all decked out. i hope you will post some photos. foamys right you cant beat that smile.
in my day to day i dress in goodwill clothes because they will be ruined by paint! nobody sees me im alone in my art cave. grrherhaha
but..theres a resale shop here...all designer. ive scored some great stuff. i like minimal. like jil sander.i love forties style suit dressing with a very narrow skirt and a fitted jacket. and i wish hats were more worn here. and at my age, i wouldnt mind the kind with a net hanging down. grher*
one of my irritants in the USA is the general sloppy attire i see here. its too damn casual and too revealing as well. airports now are schleppsville. next thing im gonna see is a person showing up to travel in a bathrobe and fuzzy slippers. help!
good to see you out and around lux.
Thanks for your work, is very good, have a goo day
Butterflygirl: Hello! Hello!..Oh' I need to drop by your homey to see how the party planning is coming along..fuuuun:>
SHE Sooo nice to see you here. I like everything you said and would follow it up with a post about clothes....I fancy weraing the same thing too:>..1940's style is jussst pure fun glam!!..Oh' would I enjoy being decked in such...sigh...
David Santos: Hello there sir..I read your poem..beautiful!
Actually, there was a big deal made in the US about Mrs. Marcos' shoes. But when you put it in that context, it makes more sense to me now.
the best fashion statement is indeed a smile.
and when it is sincere:
it is a knockout.
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