Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Many Me's

Have you ever...just ever...maybe even once in your life felt like there must be so many of you housed in one body? Like.....different "you's" all trying to come to life..All trying to talk or walk or breath or exist?

Because that's how I am today. Right now.

I feel different. A different me in this same body.

Lately I've been quiet. I work my stuff...I go through the motions but my mouth just won't speak. When it does though..somehow the words just come out all wrong. My body, my mind just seems to want to observe...

Like wanting to just observe me......being me.


Amber Cargile said...

I can definitely relate, Luxie. I also think, though, that those various sides of myself are fusing more coherently the older I get and especially now as I am approaching 40. So it's like a single clear diamond that acknoledges its many facets and the different colors that pass through its prism. I don't know if that makes sense.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Ahh- "Prism"...
Amber said it well, didn't she :)
It seems like ages ago I first met someone with that name~
I had forgotten...
I wrote a letter to my Father's new "friend"- now that the divorce is final between he and my mom.
I thanked her for a myriad of things she's done recently to help my Grandmother and one of my sisters.
I wrote a letter of thanks to the "OTHER WOMAN"- sigh...
and it was genuine.
She should get it today-
My father knows nothing about it- and it's none of his business really.
He was the person I was writing about in my Respect vs Reverence post.

Miss you friend- lets have a long chat with coffee and cookies after Christmas- when all is quiet in my world (and yours?) again...
love to you~
and to your family-

..................... said...

luxie is just another word for prism...:)

and there's nothing wrong with a quiet you

X. Dell said...

Interesting. I feel that thee's really only one me, who still struggles to get out.

Cathy B said...

maybe the authentic you is the one struggling to get out? listen real closely and you'll soon find out. enjoy the journey.

rebecca said...

we all possess different facets of wonderful that this reflective, quiet one is the one that now needs to be heard. the quiet, reflective self is listen and observe....

just be....


beezee~bee said...

all d time girl, all d time. it's a phase only v wud understand if v look deep enuf.
hope u had a gr8 wkend ;p

exskindiver said...

i will email you.

Lady Prism said...

Amber: How nicely you put it. Yes, I too feel like you do. Only sometimes there are significant parts of me that probably wish to be heard in order to become fully realized.

Mayden: I still am that "Prism"..:> Yes..yes..I look forward to a nice moment of getting together...How brave and kind of you to connect with that woman...

Foam: I guess sometimes a little quiet does do me good.

X:DELL: I hope everything went well :>

Cathy: Listening..listening..Welcome to LAdy Luxie's bloggy!

Rebecca: wow....yes..the sage one...thank you for the reminder..

Mirror: Thank you..yes I had a lovely weekend :>

Chesca: will check..